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How to Make Silage with Silage Wrap Film
2022-11-24 10:45:30

Dairy cattle are some of the most popular livestock that farmers invest in. There are challenges that come with raising farm animals expected to produce milk, but if you raise them well, they are very profitable. For many dairy farmers, food for cattle is an issue, especially during the dry season.

There are seasons wherein green forage is unavailable and can be very bothersome for farmers. Silage is the best substitute for green feed that is necessary for producing adequate amounts of milk. This fodder with the help of plastic silage wrap film will primarily reduce storage space than when you choose hay to feed your cattle.

If you’re a dairy farmer who prefers silage over hay, grains, and other types of fodder, you have a set of items that you need to complete to ensure that you can make silage good for your cattle and good for your business.

There are various types of grass suitable for dairy cattle, including millet, maize, sorghum, oats, and other greens. Experts recommend adding urea or molasses if you want to improve the final product further.

You need a silage wrap film for the grass you will turn into silage. There should not have holes on the wrap film so silage won’t be spoiled or your time and efforts will go to waste. The silage wrap film should have the capacity to store pressed layers of grass while ensuring that no unwanted elements are mixed into the silage during the fermentation process.

Experts highly recommend the use of plastic silage wrap film for the final pressing. You have to bale the greens for added assurance that no air or fungi spoil the greens. Plastic silage films are necessary since you have to pile in heavy items on top of the plastic to prevent having the greens in contact with water and other elements that could cause spoiling.

Traditionally, silage can be kept for up to two years, although three months should be enough before you feed the fodder to your dairy cattle.

silage wrapping film

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