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    How to storage silage with silage film

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    2022-12-05 13:12:38

Some severe cases has made some farmers to give up their dream of running a livestock farming business due to massive losses. First, let’s start by spoilage of animal feeds in the farm before preservation. By spoiling, it does not necessarily mean rotting. It can as well be as a result of overgrowing which results in low nutrient content which means that the livestock animals will not benefit from the feeds served.

For example, if you want to preserve animal feeds, there are the best stages for different crops to be harvested for preservation. For example, take a case like if you’re making silage from maize stalks. You need to collect the feeds for preservation after flowering, or a few weeks after flowering since during this time the feeds are very nutritious.

The reason why there is animal feeds spoilage is that either the farmer is not aware of when to preserve or do not know the right ways to protect animal feeds. Now, if you want to fight this whole issue of animal feeds spoilage and shortage, you need to learn and adopt new ways of preserving animal fees that are very effective both regarding the quality of feeds and cost. This is what we are talking about the use of silage film.

It is an exceptional plastic product used to cover silage or to wrap silage into bales. By using silage film, you can guarantee that at the time of feeding, the feeds will be of high quality and there will be no feeds spoilage as long as you follow the manufactures instructions. Also, by using silage film, you will never have to worry about animal feeds shortage. Since this product is weather resistant, you can preserve as much feeds as you may want and leave the bales on the farm. It means you have no limit on the number of feeds you can preserve and so you will always have plenty of feeds for your livestock and hence high production which leads to high profits.

silage wrap

silage wrap


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