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Why Farmers Choose Silage Film to Bale Silage
2022-10-10 14:19:58

Silage film helps control the fermentation process by ensuring the optimum humidity level of your silage. This is because silage film keeps moisture locked in and protects it from the outside air. 

A silage film is an excellent choice for those who want to store their silage in a dry environment over the colder months of winter and spring, as it helps prevent condensation and water build-up, which occurs when silos or silage bags are used.

Silage film prevents weeds from growing and contaminating silage. This is because it creates a barrier between the silage and the soil, so grass or other plants can’t grow through your silage pile.

It also protects against water contamination by keeping moisture in a while, protecting silage away from direct contact with soil, and preventing silage from seeping into the water supply.

In addition, silage films are generally used to store silage for a longer time, as it helps maintain the moisture levels and humidity.

When silage is not wrapped with silage film, there’s a high risk of spoilage, resulting in the lost feed that could have been prevented by using silage films.

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