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Silage Wrap - A Farmer's Secret Weapon
2022-12-19 09:38:57

How Many Rotations - Generally, 6-8 rotations will be enough to secure your haylage. However, this number will largely depend on how puncture-resistant your silage wrap wrap is because the less resistant a film is, the easier it is to breakthrough. Meaning you will want to wrap a less puncture-resistant film around the bale more times versus a highly puncture-resistant film.

Where to Store Wrapped Bales - We recommend storing them on washed gravel to provide a path for leaks to follow. Gravel storage will also help reduce vermin from getting under bales.

Use Net Replacement film First - Net replacement film helps contain stems and reduce the chance of poking holes in the plastic film, leaving a smoother surface for the silage plastic wrap.

Not all silage wrap is the same, mainly due to their varying layers. Some films may contain stronger or weaker UV protection, tact (stickiness), or puncture resistance. Since all silage wrap is different, you can choose which product best fits your needs. For example, if you'll be storing your bales in direct sunlight, you'll need high UV protection and may not consider how much tact a product has. A good silage wrap provides protection against sunlight, acts as a protective barrier, and contains elasticity and tack for a complete seal.

silage wrap film

silage wrap film

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